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This course is designed to familiarize students with the principles of cyber security and information assurance. Students will learn common terms and definitions along with basic principles like: cryptography, current threats, and ethics. Students will also learn common issues facing youth to include: cyber crime, cyber stalking, and cyber bullying. This course is the first requirement for the Cadet Cyber Badge - Technician Level and a prerequisite for the Cyberspace Familiarization Course (NCSA).
© 2014-2018 CYBER DEFENSE TRAINING ACADEMY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The subject matter in this book was strictly developed for use by staff, designated training instructors, and course trainees. At no time will partial or full reproductions of this course, workbook, handouts, or presentations, electronic or printed material be made without the explicit written consent from the Commandant or designated approving authority. Violations will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law.
Senior members and cadets are encouraged to teach this course at their local squadron, group, wing, or region; however, they must register as an instructor. If you are interested in teaching this course, please email and follow this template:
Subject of Email: Cyberspace Principles Instructor Body of Email: Full name of lead instructor with CAPID, full name of other instructor(s) with CAPID, date of the activity, projected number of students, hosting unit (e.g. SWR-TX-007 or MER-MD-001)
Failure to follow the above template may result in your course not being registered. Instructors that do not register their course properly will not receive instruction credit nor will their students receive CPC credit!! All courses must be registered 2-weeks before the activity, no exceptions. All cadet instructors MUST have a senior member mentor during the activity. This mentor should be the lead instructor. If you have any questions, please email us.
Once your course is properly registered, you will receive: the CPC Moodle Site URL, enrollment key for your course, the Cyberspace Principles Course - Instructor Guide in PDF format, and a link to the Cyberspace Principles Course - Student Guide. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE the instructor guide, it will contain answers to the quizes.
Need help? Join our CAP-CDTA Slack team at and follow the #cpc channel. Here you can talk to experts in the cyber-security field that can answer the tough questions.
The men and women of the United States Air Force, who defend this nation's cyber infrastructure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week developed this course material. Their dedication to this mission and the understanding that the education of our nation’s youth exemplifies the Air Force’s second core value Service Before Self.
Cyber Defense Training Academy
Maj Jacob Stauffer
Lt Col Paul Creed, III